Why Time Sometimes Seems To Stand Still, And Why It’s So Good For Us

In today’s increasingly fast-paced world, entire days breeze by without us stopping to really experience them. We allow individual moments to blend into one blurry snapshot, and constantly ask ourselves where time has gone and why we can’t have more of it. But every now and then, a beautiful sunset, a mesmerizing song or a moving piece of artwork is able to fully captivate our attention. And for that brief period, time seems to stand still.

As much as we all would like to benefit from this type of time reality check, it’s important to acknowledge that awe is far from a one-size-fits-all emotion; people are moved by different moments and to varying degrees. Aaker says that while many of these wondrous moments occur when one is in a state of solitude, awe can be experienced socially as well. It’s just a matter of putting yourself into new situations, and interacting in new ways with the people and places around you each day to identify the moments that truly inspire awe in you.

The Huffington Post