Chicago ‘Black Site’ ‘Not First Time’ Anti-Terror Tactics Allegedly Used On Americans

The Guardian’s bombshell about a secretive “black site” holding facility in Chicago where suspects are allegedly shackled, beaten and held for long periods of time without access to their lawyers, immediately sparked cries of alarm.

The practices reportedly taking place at the Chicago Police Department’s Homan Square could be another sign that some of the same techniques used overseas in the War on Terror have crept into domestic policing practices.

The Guardian’s investigation uncovered evidence of:

CPD did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Huffington Post.

Edwards said if the allegations made in the Guardian’s report are true, they are unjustifiable.

“It appears that these are calculated efforts to hold people outside of the system – away from judges and lawyers – in order to interrogate and intimidate them,” Edwards said. “There is no justification for such constitutionally offensive practices.”

The Huffington Post