Hoping Google’s Lab Is a Rainmaker

SAN FRANCISCO — Google’s research arm, Google X, is called the company’s Moonshot Factory. One reason the company picked the word “Moonshot” was to remind people to tackle big problems…

Is it cruel to kick a robot dog?

Meet Spot, the 160 lbs dog robot that can run, climb stairs and has an uncanny ability to maintain its balance. Designed by robotics company Boston Dynamics, there were heated…

Google, Mighty Now, but Not Forever

Farhad Manjoo STATE OF THE ART Technology giants often meet their end not with a bang but a whimper, a slow, imperceptible descent into irrelevancy that may not immediately be…

7 top stocks to buy in February

Ultimately, Tesla Motors is a long-term bet that should reward patient investors down the road. For starters, the stock should get a significant boost later this year when Tesla is…