Nolan Ryan Fast Facts

Birth name: Lynn Nolan Ryan, Jr. Father: Lynn Nolan Ryan, Sr., supervisor at Stanton Oil Company Mother: Martha Lee (Hancock) Ryan, homemaker Marriage: Ruth (Holdorff) Ryan (June 26, 1967-present) Children:…

Venezuela Fast Facts

Population: 28,868,486 (July 2014 est.) Median age: 26.9 years old Capital: Caracas Ethnic Groups: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African and indigenous groups Religion: Roman Catholic 96%, Protestant 2%, other…

Rubio moving towards 2016 bid

READ: Rubio ‘down to the last decision’ on 2016 He’s also planning to miss votes in the Senate next week to take a fundraising trip through California, and will visit…

Listeria Fast Facts

General Information:Approximately 1,600 cases of listeriosis are reported in the United States every year, with 260 resulting in death, according to the CDC. Typically, Listeriosis affects older adults, pregnant women,…