Fats Domino Fast Facts

Birth date: February 26, 1928 Birth Place: New Orleans, Louisiana Marriage: Rosemary (August 6, 1947-March 10, 2008, her death) – November 22, 2008 – “Fats Domino: Walkin’ Back to New…

Jonathan Franzen Slams Jennifer Weiner, Again

America’s greatest most polarizing novelist strikes again. Aside from penning best-selling, Pulitzer-winning novels, Jonathan Franzen’s hobbies include birdwatching and grumpily critiquing everything from the looks of classic female authors to…

Best Teen Tweets Of The Week! (2/13/15)

Every week, we round up the best 140-character quips and insights from our esteemed blogging team — and other equally awesome teen tweeters. Scroll down to read the latest batch…

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts

The 1,200 lb bomb was in a Ryder truck parked in a parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. An estimated 50,000 people were evacuated. Ramzi Yousef directed the organization…