Victims of Colorado massacre remembered

The cause of death in all cases is related to gunshot wounds, according to the Arapahoe County Coroner’s Office. Jonathan T. Blunk, 26 Blunk served for five years in the…

Syria’s simmering crisis

They may just have fled a war zone, but Syrian children on recess at the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan aren’t so different from kids elsewhere. Boys run around, wrestle…

The Secret To Getting Kids To Eat Veggies

By: Shannon Hall Published: 01/20/2015 08:33 AM EST on LiveScience Left to their own devices, most kids will choose to gobble down ice cream or chocolate rather than broccoli or…

Hawaii Faces Physician ‘Crisis’

Hawaii’s doctor shortage is getting worse, and it’s getting especially difficult to find a physician on its neighboring islands. The state is nearly 900 doctors short of the amount it…

Why we need #SelmaforStudents

It started right on New Year’s Eve with one prominent businessman posing a simple question to a few of his close friends and fellow business leaders: “How can we make…