What To Do When You Feel Stuck, From Dr. Christiane Northrup (VIDEO)

When you’re feeling stuck, what are the best ways to pull yourself out of it? Dr. Christiane Northrup says that the best thing you can do when you feel stuck is to name what you’re feeling. Then, Dr. Northrup says to turn it over to the idea of the divine, and say, “please turn me into someone who knows how to get over this.” The reason for this? When you offer your situation over to another party, the answers will often come. Dr. Northrup compares it to when a woman is in labor, and is about to push, but she’s so tense that she can’t get the baby out. When you just relax, the answer can come floating in — but it will never come to you if you’re holding on with a death grip.

Get Dr. Christiane Northrup’s book, Goddesses Never Age here.

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