How tech can fight extremism

Violent extremists like the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, have become increasingly sophisticated at creating dense, global networks of support online, networks that are helping these…

Why does ISIS keep making enemies?

Adding to your list of enemies is never a sound strategy, yet ISIS’ ferocious campaign against the Shia, Kurds, Yazidis, Christians, and Muslims who don’t precisely share its views has…

Are presidents overrated?

We have an unhealthy obsession with presidents as the sole movers of American politics. For too long, Americans have understood history primarily through the lens of the presidency. School textbooks…

A Valentine for black men

They say love can heal all wounds. So on this Valentine’s Day I’m sending a love letter to black men with a prayer that in the coming years the black…

Note to GOP: Steer clear of UK

Most recently, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker visited Chatham Housea gorgeous foreign policy study center in Westminster. There he was asked if he believed in evolution or not. Why, I cannot…

David Carr, we’ll miss you

To see three nationally well-respected leaders in the field vanish in a week’s time has left many in the news business shaken. Williams deserves the least sympathy; he caused his…

Big data saves lives

Unfortunately, Mr. Kakaes’ column appears to be part of a larger narrative that is skewing the perception of the importance of advanced data analytics to economies, societies and families around…

Are selfies bad for us?

Of course, it’s absurd to suggest a selfie was in any way an incentive or motive for the murder, just as it’s absurd to suggest that social media causes criminal…

Made in America makes a comeback

Thanks to the resilience of U.S. workers and businesses of all sizes, “Made in America” is making a comeback. According to data released last week by the Department of Commerce,…