How CEOs predict the future

In the lead-up to war in Ukraine, a few prescient companies increased their presence in the country, securing an influential position as competitors fled. The ability to foresee major events…

Alibaba is a better bet than Yahoo

Alibaba will report its fiscal third quarter earnings on Thursday morning. This is the second earnings report for Alibaba since its initial public offering in September. The stock rose more…

Space Shuttle Columbia Fast Facts

The Columbia Accident Investigation Board determined that the cause of the accident was a piece of insulating foam that broke off and struck a hole in the leading edge of…

Many spouses are cheating

The report is based on a survey of 1,000 adults living in the U.S. – Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and…

States where taxes hit the poor hardest

“No-income-tax states like Washington, Texas and Florida do, in fact, have average-to-low taxes overall. However, they are far from ‘low-tax’ for poor families,” the report notes. In Illinois, there is…

IRS Scandal Fast Facts

Other Facts:The investigation into the email disappearance, which the IRS said was due to a crash of former IRS official Lois Lerner’s hard drive, is part of a wider criminal…